Members of the Summer Chorus can find information in tabs below about the rehearsal schedule, performance schedule, dress code, and more. Click on one of the specific tabs below to learn more.
Rehearsal schedule
The Harvard Summer Chorus rehearses on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:00pm-9:15pm in Holden Chapel on Harvard's campus.
Dress code
For Summer Chorus performances, we wear the following:
White dress top (not too low cut) that covers your shoulders
Brightly colored solid skirt (down to or below your knees) OR black dress pantsBlack shoes
White long-sleeve and button down dress shirt
Black dress pants
Black shoes and black socks
Solid brightly colored tie
White dress top (not too low cut) that covers your shoulders
Brightly colored solid skirt (down to or below your knees) OR black dress pantsBlack shoes
White long-sleeve and button down dress shirt
Black dress pants
Black shoes and black socks
Solid brightly colored tie
Member Dues
Each year, members of the Summer Chorus are asked to contribute dues to support our performances and activities. We are proud that these dues are among the lowest in Boston for participation in a community chorus that performs with professional orchestra.
An inability to afford the dues should never be a reason not to sing. If you are unable to pay dues for financial reasons, you are more than encouraged to sing with us. Please let a board member know at the first rehearsal what (if anything) you are comfortable paying to participate in the chorus. We will work to meet your financial needs.
Harvard Summer School Students and Affiliates: FREE
Community Member Dues: N/A (only Harvard Summer School Students participating 2022 summer)
An inability to afford the dues should never be a reason not to sing. If you are unable to pay dues for financial reasons, you are more than encouraged to sing with us. Please let a board member know at the first rehearsal what (if anything) you are comfortable paying to participate in the chorus. We will work to meet your financial needs.
Harvard Summer School Students and Affiliates: FREE
Community Member Dues: N/A (only Harvard Summer School Students participating 2022 summer)
Summer Voice lessons
For those singers interested in complementing their Summer Chorus experience, individual voice lessons are available through the Harvard Voice Program for a fee. Instruction is based on classical technique and vocal pedagogy, with emphasis on organizing each person’s management of breath, larynx, and vocal tract to gain optimal function. Importance is given not only to the physical systems at work, but how awareness of the mind-body and emotional systems affect vocal production.
Singers will be fascinated as they learn to sense, feel, hear, appreciate, and love their own voices with this awareness. Singers of all ages and abilities are welcome. Please email Liz Eschen, Director of the Harvard Voice Program if you are interested or have questions.
Singers will be fascinated as they learn to sense, feel, hear, appreciate, and love their own voices with this awareness. Singers of all ages and abilities are welcome. Please email Liz Eschen, Director of the Harvard Voice Program if you are interested or have questions.
Practice files
If we are able to find some, practice MIDI files for this year's music will be available for download from this page. As of now, we have not been able to locate practice files for this season's repertoire. If files are found, they will be made available here as soon as possible.
Information on MIDI Players and MIDI Resources
Information on MIDIPlay for Windows
Information on MIDI Players and MIDI Resources
Information on MIDIPlay for Windows